
Why doesn’t this work?

<xsl:attribute name="style">background-image:url({$root}/workspace/images/article-list-images/<xsl:apply-templates select="article-list-image/item/filename" />);</xsl:attribute>

{$root} is not evaluated into the current root.

Because $root is part of the text content in your expression.

Try this:

<xsl:attribute name="style">background-image:url(<xsl:value-of select="$root"/>/workspace/images/article-list-images/<xsl:apply-templates select="article-list-image/item/filename" />);</xsl:attribute>

Of course. Thanks!

Why doesn’t this work?

Adding to what Michael said, curly braces are used to evaluate an expression within an attribute (i.e. between the quotes). Remember that <xsl:attribute> is an element.

Thanks, Lewis. I was really missing the right words…

FWIW, the curly braces contain ‘attribute value templates’, for your XSL jargon library.

Andrew FTW :-)

‘attribute value templates’


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