
I have problemns with installing

While running the install.php page I receive the following error:

MySQL 4.1 or above Symphony needs a recent version of MySQL.

I have MySQL installed on my machine (version 5.1) and can use databases in my php (phpmyadmin is working). Does anyone know how I can fix this?

What additional information do you need for answering this question?

Go to install.php?infoand make sure you see --with-mysql in the Configure Command. Also, you should find a section called mysql about half way down. If neither of those exist, then MySQL is not available to PHP.


Within the file that is displayed the configure command does not consist –with-mysql.

alt text

The mysql section does excist in the file (See screenshot below).

alt text

What can be the problem? How can I add the –with-mysql section to the configure command?

I changed the symphony script a little bit (it won’t check for the mysql anymore) and it is working fine now.

I think I know what the problem might be. The installer uses the function mysql_get_client_info() to compare versions. Specifically:

elseif(!GeneralExtended::checkRequirement(mysql_get_client_info(), 'version', '4.1')){

Based on what you’ve provided above, it might be that mysql_get_client_info() is returning mysqlnd 5.0.5-dev - 081106 - $Revision: $ and the comparison to 4.1 is failing. Not a whole lot can be done about that, since I am unaware of any other way to determine the MySQL version.

Alistair: Shouldnt install.php execute SELECT VERSION(); to find out wich MySQL-Version is being used?

That would only work if a connection was established, which would required the user to have entered their details first, thus the error message would only appear once the install button was pressed.

Oh you want to check it before the user did?

I am not familiar with the client/server version numbering, are they always “at least similar”?

are they always “at least similar”?

Actually, no. Not always. It may be that I need to check it when installation is attempted.

Having an error come up after setting up the database is better than not being able to install at all. I’m running on Mac OS X, with a set-up that has a whole slew of other symphony dev installs running fine on it, but I can’t get past install.php now with new setups:

MySQL 4.1 or above Symphony needs a recent version of MySQL.

Are you using integration branch code? or the official 2.0.5 release?

Oh, btw, hopie83, the code in the integration branch has some fixes which should help. See the commit change here.

Hi Alistair - master, not integration. I figured you guys have your grumbly patches in integration?

I’m having the same issue as tonyarnold. I don’t even recall updating mysql but now phpinfo() tells me I’m using mysqlnd and Symphony won’t install while there are several other Symphony dev sites on this same box.

Have you updated your PHP version recently?

brendo: I’m thinking I must have. I’m running 5.3.1 and while there is no --with-mysql in my phpinfo() there is a section called mysqlnd and several other sites I’ve developed on this machine run just fine with this setup.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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