
Anyone interested in the Joyent Connector interface ported to Symphony?

It is a great interface. However, I would rather not make that association with Symphony since I spent the better end of my Connector days cursing it! I’ve been a happy camper ever since I moved mail to GAFYD.

Yeah, I suppose there is that guilty by association issue.

Yeah, I suppose there is that guilty by association issue.

Well, I was just speaking for myself. I would think any good design from it would want to be incorporated into the admin area. Or perhaps I’m missing your perspective with an ensemble.

The idea was to use the Members extension as a means of creating something similar to the Connector with Symphony. So, in addition to whatever front end I end up designing for the site, there would be a custom admin area that had some of the same feature set as the Connector. I don’t think I would go as far as including mail. But perhaps there could be a messages area. I’ve always wondered whether something like this could be developed in Symphony, and I just discovered the Connector recently on GitHub. At the very least, I’m sure there is something I can learn from the interface design for other projects.

If you manage, it would be incredible and an excellent example of the possibilities with Symphony.

+1 vote from me. Would be a great example.

+1. This would be a great advertisement for Symphony.

It would be great. One more vote!

+2. I get 2 votes cuz I’m older than most of you bastards ;)

Haha, czheng, if votes depended on being old I would have around 8 or 9 votes!

I think I beat you all :-)

@Lewis: Nope. I am 44. You won’t beat that. Your website tells me that you are 28.

@Michael, time to update (30 in Sept). Oh, and I feel young now, thanks!

@Stephen keep us up-to-date as I’m interested to see what you come up with; you are the Ensemble expert :-)

you are the Ensemble expert :-)

It does seem that way. Well, I’m looking forward to giving this a go. But it won’t be happening at least for another week. I’m taking a holiday for a week (Alaskan cruise). So, if it seems like I’ve dropped off the earth … again, that’s why.

@michael-e, I’ll never catch up, but I’m close: 40.

@michael-e, I’ll never catch up, but I’m close: 40.

You youngsters…did you know that 28 is the new 57?

@michael-e, I’ll never catch up, but I’m close: 40.

That’s another point for Symphony: It’s suited even for old men like us!

The old man of the ensembles is back. This will be a long term project, but if you would like to follow along, here’s what I have so far on GitHub:

Is this still being worked on? Would love to participate.

Well, sort of. I’ve been looking at first understanding how the layout works. Joyent Connector is a Ruby on Rails project, so it is using the Prototype JavaScript framework. I’m wondering whether it might be better to migrate to jQuery.

So far, I’ve been able to take the basic HTML and create page templates that can be built into a Symphony theme. I haven’t started on the work to integrate into Symphony yet. I first wanted to figure out how I was going to deal with JavaScript behaviours.

Here is the bare bones layout where I’m looking at how the sidebar resizes, content changes from one tab to another, and the drawer opens to reveal options and additional information.

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