
As I’m doing it right now, I’m using each entry’s title as url on the frontend. But I just had a situation where I wanted to change the title. But doing that would have broken all incoming links.

How are you creating your urls?

You can use the entry id instead of title.

Yes. But as I’ve understood things, that option is not so good from a SEO perspective?

Yes. But as I’ve understood things, that option is not so good from a SEO perspective?

Correct, titles are more descriptive therefore more SEO.

I’m using each entry’s title as url on the frontend. But I just had a situation where I wanted to change the title. But doing that would have broken all incoming links.

Just set up a redirect (.htaccess).

Maybe a good idea for an extension would be a field called Permalink, or something like that. It could take the title field after you typed it, shorten it, put the dashes in, but still be editable. Then, if you need to change title later, you can leave the permalink the same? I suppose the difficulty is that you wouldn’t know what the title field is called… as people name them differently.

I think this could be accomplished already without the plugin, right? It just wouldn’t create the link automatically for you, you’d have to type it yourself.

I’ve thought about this a few times because sometimes my titles are really long and in Symphony that means my URLs get pretty long too.

With a 303-response?

In this case I recommend you use title. It makes more sense and it’s better for search bots.

Forget the situation where you will change the title. ;)

@TheJester12 A Permalink field sounds like a good suggestion. In the meantime, I better write good titles at first try. :-)

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