
So here we go - I just installed Symphony 2.0, and I'll admit I'm completly new to the Symphony world. In my little time so far, I feel like I should have the ability to create my own version of It's going to take a lot more understanding of Symphony, but if anyone's built any kind of contact management inside of Symphony, I'd love some pointers.


bauhause is your man.

[Ensemble] Address Book

Yup great call! I was able to get a simplistic version of HighRise working in under 5 hours. There are some current feature limitations, but hopefully I'll get past them after a better understanding of Symphony and XSLT.

This is truly an amazing platform to work on. I would have spent weeks building this by hand...

The Twentyone Degrees team have spent years building Symphony. I spent weeks building Address Book. @variaas, you built HighRise in 5 hours. If you'd be happy to share an ensemble, I could install in seconds.

This is truly an amazing platform to work on.

I'd love to see what you're up to. I'm just glad that someone is putting my ensembles to work with good results.

I just sent an incredibly long email to bauhouse from his contact page, but I wanted to summarize my main issue with this ensemble.

The problem with the backend is the way section links are treated. I had a section for the main contact info, and then a seperate section for the phone numbers, with a section link back to the contact. I do this so you can include as many phone numbers for a contact as you would want.

If I were to use the Symphony backend to manage my contacts, I would have to create the contact, go back to the contact list, select the column "numbers", and then add the numbers that way. Unfortunately, that's a little too cumbersome. To be able to accomplish this through one page would be perfect, but it'll definitely take some thinking to figure out how to accomplish it.

I'm not sure what the Symphony team is going to do to address the difficulty to add data that is part of a section link, but until they figure it out, I'll have to resort to creating my own area to add data, which Symphony makes incredibly easy.

This section link issue is being addressed by the team for rev6.

Thanks Lewis!

@variaas, I haven't received your email. But that's my fault. I discontinued my old email address to avoid the large amount of spam I was receiving. I forgot to change my contact form. So now, I'm wondering how many people have been trying to contact me and not getting any response. I've fixed it, but if you'd rather, use my forum screen name at gmail dot com.

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