
So I've been using the fabulous section links to create a simple contact manager. It works much in the same way HighRise works, where you can have an unlimited number of emails, phone numbers, etc. associated to the contact. I do this by creating separate sections for emails, phone numbers, etc, and then do a section link back to the contact section.

I'm trying to mimc how Symphony's backend works now. Much like you can create a section, add fields, and then save all the data, I'd like to do the same on the front-end. Would this be possible? Right now, I'm stuck first having several submit buttons on the page, since each additional phone number requires it's own form.

Is the problem that you want to be able to save to multiple sections via a single form? or that you need to save multiple entries to the same section at once? The latter is possible, just turn on "Allow Multiple" in the Event. The former, however, is not possible right now. We are looking into ways this could be achieved. The biggest problem is dependancy between entries and namespacing fields so there are no clashes.

It's definitely the former. Much like when adding a dynamic number of "filters" for a new datasource and hit the single "save" button, I'd like to do that with my sections that have section links.

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