
Each extension can contain update routines if anything database related changed between versions. My question is: under which conditions is the update function triggered?

I’m working on my date and time field and simply changing the version number in the about array won’t force an update of the extension and I really don’t know why as there is no other place to specify the version number.

Additional question: Is it possible that the database does not recognize version number such as 1.0.2 and reduces them to 1. The table cell for the version number is set to double which would allow something like 1.2 or 2 but not 1.0.3, I suppose.

If I’m right: Is there a reason for this restriction?

Hmmm, looks like you hit it. I played around a little bit, and it seem that extensions are deactivated when the version number is increased let’s say from 1.0 to 1.1. (Re-enabling them triggers the update function.) Changing from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 does not have any effect.

Maybe the logic is: Changes that need the update funtion to be triggered are not microscopic. And this should be reflected in the version number.

Second guess: This is from Symphony 1.7 times. At that time extensions were upgraded once a year, so version numbers never had a third digit…

I’ll put this on the bug tracker.
Does anybody know if there is a manual way to force an extension update?

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