
Hi guys,

I was speaking to Lewis earlier today about this. I have a Stage and Production server. Additionally, you could conceive that there's a Local server for myself.

How do you guys have the development workflow? Normally I just synchronize from local -> stage -> production. But since this is a CMS, people go to the production and make changes to the content, etc. So there is dual path: local <-> stage <-> production.

I had believed that the Ensemble would simplify the synchronization but Lewis clarified that Authors and Settings were not copied between ensembles. Makes sense once I thought about it further.

Lewis had suggested that I should modify the config.php database settings so that I am remotely accessing the production database. I noted that this would work in most cases, but there is the case that I would modify content data that is live at the moment. This may have adverse effects as well unwanted publications (in some cases).

At the moment, I am going to start to dump the SQL and modify the config.php for each synchronization. I haven't tested it, but I wanted to get your opinions/suggestions on the matter.

We primarily use 2 things:

  1. SVN to sync files.
  2. Navicat to perform database sync'ing and backups

The config file is not under SVN control, that way the settings can be different for each location easily.

Hope that helps.

Thanks Alistair.

So then you're just updating the config.php at each location. Oh.. wait. You have different config at different locations. I see.



Navicat to perform database sync'ing and backups

How good is the sync'ing feature? It seems that the only thing Navicat really has over phpMyAdmin is the ability to synchronize databases.

SQL Front also appears to be a popular tool to manage, backup, and sync databases. And at $35 (Navicat $129) I think I'm going to try it.

How good is the sync'ing feature?

Haven't had any problems so far.

It seems that the only thing Navicat really has over phpMyAdmin is the ability to synchronize databases.

Navicat has a nice backup feature. As well as stored procedures. Unfortunately they are both pretty ugly. ;) The biggest drawcard though was that Navicat has a Mac version.

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