
These are some general questions about extension documentation:

  • What is your preferred text type: plain, markdown, styled html?
  • Do you prefer a short overview of functionality or detailed step by step explanations?
  • Do you prefer explaining screenshots or short screencasts?
  • How detailed should a compatibility chart be?

Thanks for answering!

What is your preferred text type: plain, markdown, styled html?


Do you prefer a short overview of functionality or detailed step by step explanations?

Short overview.

Do you prefer explaining screenshots or short screencasts?

Short screencasts.

How detailed should a compatibility chart be?

Just the Symphony version?

What is your preferred text type: plain, markdown, styled html?


Do you prefer a short overview of functionality or detailed step by step explanations?


Do you prefer explaining screenshots or short screencasts?

Both. Screencasts done well are great, but sometimes you just need to be able to scan through the content.

How detailed should a compatibility chart be?

A list of all compatible releases.

What is your preferred text type: plain, markdown, styled html?

Markdown. Makes browsing Github a lot easier.

Do you prefer a short overview of functionality or detailed step by step explanations?

Both. A short overview is useful for scanning when I see a list of extensions. Having chosen one I’d like to see more details about its specific use. I see no point in keeping the existing convention of including installation instructions which are almost always the same (e.g. copy folder to extensions and enable) — this should be generic documentation for Symphony on how to install an extension. Anything in the extension’s documentation should mark what differs from the default procedure.

Do you prefer explaining screenshots or short screencasts?

Depends entirely on the extension. Usually a screenshot is just fine, but for more complex extensions (e.g. Mediathek) a screencast would allow for more of a “try before you buy”.

How detailed should a compatibility chart be?

A minimum and maximum Symphony version number.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
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