
As of now, I "group" my data sources and utilities by giving them prefixes, like "blog: " for DS's that belong to my blog section.

Is there a native way to do grouping in S21? How do everyone else cope with the growing number of DS's and utilities as one's site grows?

Do you mean primarily for keeping track of Data Sources within the interface? I pretty much do the same thing of trying to name them in both a meaningful way that will also group alphabetically.

Best, Clayton


Read a few comments above this one:

I think we have the same idea.

I'm not sure how efficient it is, but you can create an XML Page (with url params if you want), and attach all your DSs to that page. Have the page output the data you want, and use that page as a dynamic data source. This can be very good for relatively 'static' data like navigation, because you can set it to cache, avoiding a lot of DB queries. A nice byproduct of this approach is that you can form your data into a more convenient structure for your final output XSL.

I do the same and prefix common data sources with the same name. I think it's a fitting solution.

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