
Forgive me if this is more of general question that isn't unique to v2, but I've found I can't place manual HTML tags within Text Input fields without them being parsed as literal text (i.e. "First part of title and second part of title"). Is this to be expected or is there some slight of hand that can be had?

Best, Clayton

you can make that field a textarea and keep the height to 1 line so it looks like a regular text input field. in your xsl you can do something like <xsl:copy-of select="text-area-field/* | text-area-field/text()" /> so it covers both html and plain text.

My memory of pre-v2 is hazy, so I'm not quite sure when this change occurred, but I can tell you that nested elements are not allowed in text input or tag list fields. Either we allow this at the cost of not being able to use unencoded &< chars, or allow text formatters for these field types. Unfortunately, since these fields need handles and there isn't really a generic way to infer what should become handle text for an arbitrary text formatter, I don't think there's a good way around this.

Thanks Dale. That seems to be a pretty simple solution I hadn't even considered. I suppose the only concern would be planning for this upfront instead of just dealing with outliers on existing Text Input fields.

Unfortunately, since these fields need handles and there isn't really a generic way to infer what should become handle text for an arbitrary text formatter

Thanks Scott. That makes sense.

I haven't tested this yet, but would one also be forfeiting title handles if you used a Textarea field instead of a Text Input? I would think so. So I would imagine this would rule against setting up Textarea fields as title fields in general?

Thanks again guys, Clayton

would one also be forfeiting title handles if you used a Textarea field instead of a Text Input?

That is correct. You'd need a dedicated text input field for the URL handle, otherwise you could use date/ID/some other field to reference entries uniquely.

Yeah, I wanted to use a text formatter for my article titles so I could have bold and italic when I needed it, so I had to create 2 title fields so I could still have the title handles and my pretty, formatted tiltes.

  • Title: default text input
  • Display Title: textarea that uses a formatter

If you do your XSLT right, you can have it output the title if the display title is empty so you only have to fill out the Display Title if you need the formatting.

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