
I know it's symphonian practice to use double space for tabs. I'm not particularly fond of that, though.

Any chance this setting can be added to the config.php?

This is actually the XSLT processor's practice. We enforce the double-space convention on the debug page to make things look consistent.

Unfortunately, string replacement cannot guarantee correct space-to-tab conversion - no matter what fancy regex you concoct to do this, there'll always be a counter-example of well-formed HTML that gets manipulated incorrectly. There might be another way to output tabs that I'm unaware of, but if not, a config pref would be impossible - you'd need to modify the XSLT processor itself to achieve this.

I'm in the "tabs for indentation" camp too, but I don't think we're going to get our way on this matter.

I spoke to alistair not too long ago in IRC about just this... He came up with the following workaround...

Ummm, if i remember correctly, you can make a small edit to:
/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.general.php @ line 124.

If you change tabsToSpaces() to:

public static function tabsToSpaces($string, $spaces=4){    
    return $string;    

You should be good to go :)

Yep that worked. Thanks greenplasticine. ;)

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