
continuing from this post I think i discovered a DS bug;

On my life install both the unformatted and the formatted print the same; a formatted one wich ignores the {3 classnotation}

see this pastie

Could it be that the ensemble DB recreation has an error?…

Please see Bug Reporting Guidelines.

Oh and another thing. Stop splitting up your topics!

Edit: Funny story, but the link to your previous post links to the edit form of your post.

I’ve fixed the link for everyone’s sake.


I always feels that once a post canges topic, it should be a new post. I would like to be able to clean up posts afterwards. so new users can find specific info about specific problems, like a wiki. Now specific problemsand solutions are always scattered across posts. Maybe a better search or tagging can keep the posts in one, yet make the info over-viewable. ?

@phoque and buzzomatic

I know how to post bugs, but the guidlines also indicate you should determine its a bug for sure, by asking on the forum. Thats what im doing here, and I would like feedback from the community whether they can replicate it, or have experienced it, or if they think in general if its a bug, or what could be causing it.


Closing this thread as it’s so similar to “Markdown-extra not working on frontend-form” — I’m getting lost between the two. A single thread makes the life of a debugger more easy until things are properly diagnosed.

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