
This is something that i'm thinking since Symphony 2 Sneak Peak, but I waited for the Beta to com out. Is it possible in the debug page to have 'align wrapped lines' or something?

I picture is worth a thousand words...

Of course, we'd like to do this, but it's just not possible. Either:

  1. we have a fixed line length and assume everyone's browser windows are wide enough to display it
  2. disable line wrapping and instead set overflow: auto to add scrollbars where appropriate
  3. make use of available width and use white-space: pre-wrap (no soft-wrap indentation)

You might have seen #1 before in emails; it will look broken when the available width is less than the line length, and will cause a big empty wasted space in the middle of the page when there is lots of available width. #2 is a bad idea because often the code being viewed is longer than the page height, making the scrollbar out of view. So that's why we chose #3.

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