
I need to modify the event email filter, but I can't do it globally since I use it for multiple forms that need totally different email outputs. Where is the best place to do this modification? Would an extension handle this?

Specifically I'm looking to change the email output contents, and to allow emailing to an input field value (email the form submitter).

Unfortunately the code related to sending emails is burried deep within /lib/toolkit/events/event.section.php around line 143. An extension could add a new Event filter that does what you want. The delegate EventPostSaveFilter is used for running any custom filters. You also need to use the delegate AppendEventFilter found on /blueprint/events/ in order to add the new filter to the list.

That is a start. Should at least give you the hooks into Symphony you need. Let me know how you go.

Around line 234 of event.section.php there is:

## TODO: Allow extensions to run their filter rules

Might this mean that extension-based filters aren't implemented in rev5?

That should have been removed. The delegate is up around line 150 or so. EventPostSaveFilter

@ashooner: If you have some working code, would you post it here?


I will, but I'm new to extensions, so it may be a while. If I come up with some crufty stop-gap, I'll post that as well.

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