
Another data source related question: Is there a way to set up an offset in the data source manager?

I need a list of the last 10 entries of a section but only want to display details for the first one. At the moment I set up two data sources: one for the first entry and one for all 10 entries. So I'm getting one redundant element in my XML. With some kind of offset I could eliminate that.


Obviously this can be done via XSLT but an offset input in the data source editor seems like a great idea.

yes along with a textarea (instead of 1 line) in the external XML DS so you can do the same 'complex' things there.

Said feature is long overdue. It's in for RC1.

yes along with a textarea (instead of 1 line) in the external XML DS so you can do the same 'complex' things there.

Jiri, I'm not sure what you mean. Where do you need more than 1 line of input?

Not to sound stupid but RC1?

"Release Candidate 1" - it's what we're calling the next beta revision.

Ah right.

Scott, I have discussed it with Alistair once; dynamic/external DSes have an xslt field to select nodes; but it's either nodes x or nodes y, so a full xpath textarea is in place then you can do nodes x and nodes y - nodes z.....

This doesn't make much sense. Any complex XPath can be written in a single line. I have yet to see an XPath expression that spans across multiple lines.

Something like this would do what you want: //x | //y | //z

If for some reason you need multiple XPath expressions to achieve what you want, a text area won't solve this issue either. In this instance you would require XSLT within the logic of the expressions. If this is the complexity you need, there is no difference to this than to select a generalised XML subset from the dynamic XML DS and use XSLT on your page to break it down.

Did this feature ever make it's way into 2.0.2?

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