
I noticed when looking at the source of rss feed of this forum as well as your site’s blog that xml declaration looks strange:

<rss xmlns:atom="" version="2.0"> 

The feed itself looks more like an RSS 2.0 than the Atom feed, and besides that, I think there is no such thing as Atom version 2.0 - it’s either Atom 0.3 or Atom 1, I’ve never heard of Atom 2.0

Also, item in Atom are identified by <id> tag, but in your feed it’s <guid>. <guid> tag is usually used in rss feed.

I am not sure, since I am not an expert in feed formats, but it just looks like you are using rss 2.0 while declaring namespace of Atom feed

The feed is RSS 2.0. Adding the Atom namespace doesn’t automatically deem it as an Atom feed. The namespace is for the atom:link declaration, which is recommended by the specification for greater interoperability between different feed readers.

See link:

I see. Thank you for explaining this.

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