File Manager
This is an open discussion with 8 replies, filed under Extensions.
It’s not working in 2.0.7 beta, any way to repair it?
Error that i see:
Argument 1 passed to extension_filemanager::buildBreadCrumbs() must be an array, null given, called in /home/stobrava/webapps/malitowski/extensions/filemanager/content/content.browse.php on line 77 and defined
An error occurred in /home/stobrava/webapps/malitowski/extensions/filemanager/extension.driver.php around line 145
BTW this is really great extension and in 2.0.6 works like a charm :)
File Manager
updated to version 0.9
on 2nd of February 2010
Big thanks to Craig for the latest batch of fixes.
Please test, folks, especially on 2.0.7RC1.
Works so far. I found that some file types are not editable within textarea, eg: .sql, .markdown, .htm(l), .tpl… Sometimes editing them is useful for extension developers.
Does this work for 2.2 or is there a similiar extenstion it?
Not yet.
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A new Extension, “File Manager” is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.