
Is there a way to have the error values surround the fields that are not valid with a red box, as we see within symphony itself when the xsl runs it’s validation?

Really like to have the error messages highlight/surround the actual label that has not validated?

If you’re using the Form Controls utility to build your <label>s, it should automatically append a class="invalid" to the <label> elements.

And if you’re not using Form Controls to also build the labels, it’ll also add a class of invalid to the form elements (inputs, select etc.) themselves.

At the moment there is no way of using the validation-summary to get the error of a specific field, but it could be done with some messing around. But you might want to use vanilla XSLT to do that instead.

I guess if there is no validation on any fields nothing is gonna show really.. stupid (refering to myself) all I want is to append an invalid notification to the web address field.. as it has URL validation in the section field..

This is what I have but I see no validation error attached to the class of either labels or input:

           <xsl:call-template name="form:label">
             <xsl:with-param name="for" select="'title'"/>
             <xsl:with-param name="text" select="$labels/cymraeg-website-url"/>
             <xsl:with-param name="child">
<br /><xsl:value-of select="$labels/website-url-comment"/>
             <xsl:call-template name="form:input">
              <xsl:with-param name="handle" select="'cymraeg-website-url'"/>           

Is the event definitely firing? If you post your form to ?debug do you see the URL field validation and the event failure error message?

And have you set the form:event variable with the correct event node?

Event node is data/event/advertise-a-job-with-template

And it is submitting cos I see it on the section entry once I’ve correctly posted the form.. haven’t checked debug for vaidation.. 2 secs..

here’s my xml

That doesn’t help really.. cos it’s not showing the html it produces..

here’s the html

And here is the xsl template for the page..

This is where I am building the form

Sorry should combine posts!

I see the error message in the form:validation summary at the top of the page.. as well as this was hoping to be able to surround the field:select that as an error with a red box.. at present the class of invalid is not being triggered.

I am facing the same issue. Seems that the class of invalid does not work on select fields?

Sorry to confuse everyone. I should have ticked the "Make this a required field" option in my Section schema. Works like a charm now.

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