
Anyone know if there is a video manager available that could be used with symphony? I’m looking for a means to upload sinlge videos with blog posts from a pool of backend videos.. have to be flv’s and I was thinking of using JWFlv Player from

Any takers?

I know Nickdunn has the vimeo video manager so could this be adapted to use an flv player and videos?


Create a “Videos” section with a Title (input) and a Video (file upload) into which you upload your media. Tie the two together with a Mediathek field. When dragging the file into a Textarea (with the Markdown text formatter) it should insert the following syntax:

[text here](path-to-flv-here)

Your XSLT should then make use of the Ninja technique to manipulate the HTML output of the Textarea field, catch p elements, check if they contain an anchor with an href ending in .flv, and write in the embed code accordingly.

Ahahahah I see.. nice one Nick

I’m tending to avoid the dragging to text area bit for clients and create a for-each loop in the template for displaying a dedicated video block and keep the text area for exactly that..text. I’ve done it with mediathek and images and it works great.. using the if test !='' to hide the loop if there are no images included with entry.. I even have a select box with options to dictate the size of the image width by placing a variable of {$size} into the JIT width output in the template. and also a class field to determine float:right and foat:left on the img tag This way I find it to be a smoother ride for the client in terms of exposure to having to manipulate markup.

Will try the mediathek approach for video and use an flv player in the template to see how it goes! thanks for the info :)

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