
Does anyone have a working filebrowser for CKeditor in Symphony 2.5.2?

I can not browse server / sections in Link dialog.

It wont even install for me on 2.5.2 I get a "Invalid argument supplied for foreach()" error at the top of the page

@jeffleeder The CKE github repo is not maintained as of now. I think you need to take with the master also several available pull requests to make the master work under 2.5x .

@juro I've tried the the pull requests but still haven't gotten this to install on 252+. Any tips? It's the only thing stopping me from making a perfect ensemble.

@kngzero - try this fork,

or you can try to use this fork of the Redactor Rich Text Editor, which works well with 2.5.x and above.

@bzerangue Thank you. Although I just made a fork for CKE to get it working in the latest release (2.6.2), Redactor Rich Text Editor seems more stable in terms of installing uninstalling. I think I'll be using that from now on.

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