
  1. Place the extension in your extensions-folder in a folder called ‘ckeditor’

  2. Enable it in your ‘Extensions’-menu

  3. You can now choose ‘ckeditor’ is textformatter when you create a textarea-field

Yay, will give it a spin. I’m pleased to see, that file browsing has been addressed, since I’ve had some big times with this functionality, up to hacking in an old FCK file browser, to allow image upload/embed directly from editor. Clients are dmn lazy btchz, you know ;)

Btw: Github (web download) shows incorrect version numbers. It says 0.7, while zip contains a 1.1 release.

Hi all,

I ‘m a new user of Symhpony.

My problem about CKEditor is that when i want to add image to the article, and when i click to the buttton “browse server” from the image dialog box, the popup show the following message :

“Not Found The requested URL /symphony/extension/ckeditor/filebrowser/ was not found on this server.”

Any Idea ?


That should be extensions not extension, looks like a typo in the extension itself…

No, “extension” is correct in this case, it references a content page inside an extension.

Is your Symphony install in a sub directory, radimby? If I recall correctly, the extension assumes your install is in the root directory. I patched it in one of my installs, I’ll try to find some time to send a pull request with the fix soon (crazy busy before the holidays).

UPDATE: Here is my pull request with patches to support Symphony installs in sub-directories.

@froded: patched!

@froded ah I see, it’s a backend page, not a physical file, my mistake. Thanks.

thanks for your response froded, Yes, My installation of Symphony is in a sub-directories.

Then, how to apply this fix, or I must edit the 3 files ?

Then, how to apply this fix, or I must edit the 3 files ?

The fix has been pulled in the repository already. Simply download the whole extension again and overwrite the old copy with it.

ok, thanks phoque

@radimby: The Symphony community moves swiftly! ;)

I think there should be one condition in extension.driver.php at line 62 to check if there exist sections in database in the first place. I got an error after activating the extension and no sections created yet.

This query

SELECT s.* FROM sym_sections AS s ORDER BY ASC; [0.0055]

returned an empty result set.

Issue posted on issue tracker.


I’ve had this exact error before with another two extensions.

Just wrap the foreach statement with an if checking for $sections like so

  foreach($sections as $section){
    ...code here

IMHO it should always be done like this for error prevention.

thanks for spotting this guys! It’s fixed now!

Hi, I’ve just installed the newest CKEditor. The problem is that I want to add support for tables. When “table” button is clicked, the dialog box doesn’t show up. Javascript console gives this:

[CKEDITOR.dialog.openDialog] Dialog "table" failed when loading definition.
[Break on this error] if(typeof o=='function'&&p._isLoaded){...dant(this.element,true);}return true; 

in ckeditor.js (line 108).

I remember that tables worked for me in previous projects. What’s wrong with them now?

Hi rudy, Have you just enabled the table plugin in the CKEditor config? Because this extension only comes with a bare bones CKEditor, so you’ll need to download and install the table plugin as well inside lib/ckeditor/plugins.

You’re right, it works now ;)

But there’s another problem - completely different. When I type a Polish sign “ó” in my CKE and save changes, I get this error (with a red error border around CKEditor field):

'Article' contains invalid XML. The following error was returned: loadXML(): Entity 'oacute' not defined in Entity, line: 1

oacute is a HTML symbol for ó. All Polish signs work fine, only ó seems to be a problem.

That’s strange, when I try to edit a text and I use the ‘ó’, it works just fine. Have you made sure the ‘XMLEntities’-plugin is activated?

What do you mean by activated? It is in plugins/ directory, is it enough? It was there after installation.

This is very strange error. In fact, I don’t know what triggers it. I didn’t know that there was any XML processing/validation when saving/editing an entry.

I will try to reinstall CKE later, but I don’t think it’s gonna help.

‘ó’ doesn’t work only with CKE connected with Multilingual Field. I created a new section with a single textarea with CKE and everything works fine.

Maybe someone who knows Multilingual Field knows the answer?

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