
Does anyone know of a good JIT image manipulation tutorial? Maybe, it’s because I have a head cold, but I’m having a hard time finding a good write up on it. Please forgive me ahead of time if I missed it. If someone would mind pointing me in the correct direction I’d appreciate it. Thanks again.


There was an explanation in the old documentation, but I don’t find it anymore. Maybe it has been lost during the “transition process”??

czheng will help. I am sure.

I recently made my first (unsuccessful) foray into JIT image manipulation. I never found a tutorial, and the closest thing to documentation was this thread.

Hope you have better luck!

The JIT materials from the old docs were slated to be moved to the extension’s page, but someone seems to have forgotten to do so (my wife can probably tell you who). Will get it up ASAP.

Thanks Craig!

Np. Will look at whipping up some tutorial-like materials as well.

I am also looking for any kind of write up on JIT… Kinda hard to memorize all those modes and everything…

Sorry, all. I actually worked on the JIT docs today. Should be ready by tomorrow sometime. Will look at whipping up a tutorial too, maybe in a few weeks. I’ve got one other to finish up before then.

Do we have a index that summarizes all titles from all sections and all chapters? I am always having a hard time finding things in the docs. :-)

All Concepts is kinda the ultimate index.

JIT docs are up. Sorry for the wait. I’ll whip up some use case examples tomorrow.


Thanks a lot!

Thanks Craig! This is very helpful!

Thanks! At least it confirms, what I’ve used is cool.

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