
I am attempting to develop a simple field that gives a drop-down list of all files in a directory. However I have fallen at the first hurdle wit hthe following error:

Line 51 – Could not find Field rob_simple~ at /field.rob_simple~.php. If the Field was provided by an Extension, ensure that it is installed, and enabled.

It occurs to me that it may be something to do with class/file naming but I can’t see the problem having followed the convention of seveal other extensions.

Has anyone else encountered this problem?

Class name is “FieldRob_Simple”, filename for that class is “field.rob_simple.php”.

extension driver class name is “extension_rob_simple_field”.

Does this strike as being incorrect?

I think the extension driver should be named extension_rob_simple.

Nils - If I drop the “_field” from the extension class name then the extension doesn’t even show up in the list of extensions.

I can’t work out the significance of the tilde symbol in the error message, and I have tried several variations with no luck.

I note with interest that if I rename the class of, for example, the selectbox link field, it breaks, but if I then revert it back, it remains broken until I remove the directory completely and then put it back with the correct class name.

This would imply to me that if you don’t get the naming convention right in the first instance, you could change it as much as you liked and it would never work until you removed the directory and started fresh again.

Nils - If I drop the “_field” from the extension class name then the extension doesn’t even show up in the list of extensions.

What’s the name of your extension folder?

What’s the name of your extension folder?

The folder is called “rob_simple_field”

ah, okay - then you should keep the _field in your extension driver class - sorry!

No problem Nils!

I tried a new test - I copied the complete link box field extension directory, and simply replaced the word “link” with “rob” in every instance such as class, file and directory names.

I can enable this duplicate extension, but I still get in the same error.

Strangely, a tilde symbol is being added to the class name which is being checked, so the ore symphony code is tring to establish the existence of a file named “field.selectbox_rob~.php”.

I have not added this tilde myself anywhere!!

Are you developing locally? Maybe it’s a strange server issue?

Crisis averted - I’m an idiot!!

I somehow managed to duplicate some files and add tilde to the end of the filenames and it was using those files.

I really have no idea how that happened.

This might be a sign to not code so much on Sundays.

Thanks Nils - your help is much appreciated.

Glad you found the problem.

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