
A new extension, “Truncated Textfield” is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

Something is going wrong with my extensions page.. Anyway, here is the readme file:


Truncates text from a textarea. This extension is gentle with html and words.


Unzip, rename the folder to truncated_texarea, then enable in the control panel as usual.


This extension adds a new field (truncated textare). This textfield can truncate text (or html) to a specified length. To see the truncated text in your xml, enable it in your datasource, in the same way you would put formatted/unformatted text in.

edit: I will push it to git in a few moments

Somehow the upload file field has wrapped @meta with double quotes, making the attribute invalid. I’ll look at getting a fix in.


Allen, the page is still down..

Any luck on finding a fix?

Bug #76 has been filed.

Super duper! I forgot there was a bug tracker for the website aswell..

Fixed. Not sure why the mime type would have been sent wrapped in double quotes. Weird browser quirk perhaps.

Does it work in 2.1.2? I don’t see my tekst truncated!

This is not directly related, but close enough.

Is it possible to truncate like Wordpress, where you add a <!-- More --> to create a page break?

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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  • MySQL 5.5 or above
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