
For my truncated textarea I extended the normal textarea field, giving it more functionality. The downside of this is that everywhere I had the old textarea, I have to replace it with the new Truncated Textarea.

Is it possible to extend a default field to be more powerful, without having to make core changes (in this case, editing the original textare field itself), or add a new field?

Is it possible to extend a default field to be more powerful, without having to make core changes (in this case, editing the original textare field itself), or add a new field?

Nope, the way to extend (add additional functionality to) a core field is to extend it (in the object-oriented sense) and create a brand new field.

To replace the existing field, so long as your field uses the same database structure as the original, you can manually change the type column in sym_fields to use your new field type. This will save you having to remove and add fields, thereby retaining existing content.

Ok, that was what I thought. Couldn’t really think of any other way ;)

To replace the existing field, so long as your field uses the same database structure as the original, you can manually change the type column in sym_fields to use your new field type. This will save you having to remove and add fields, thereby retaining existing content.

I will look into this in the next version of the plugin. My structure is roughly the same, but not exactly. Thanks for the input!

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