

In MS Word you can easily create/add a field in MS Word document, that displays the filename (even fields with folder path, date created, printed etc).

In a Symphony document I seem not to be able to find how to add such (automated) field. Symphony helptext/site or Google did not help either in finding it.

Do you have tips??

What text document? One that you’re uploading using Symphony?

Any new document. so go to the home of Symphony, do not create a new presentation or spreadsheet, but create a new document. Anywhere in this new document or even in the header or footer, I want to be able to add the field “Filename”, that will display automatically the filename of the document. so when you save this new document/file on your disk and give it a name…. eg meeting.minutes.odt than in the document when viewing or printing it, it should display “meeting.minutes.odt”

in MS Word you would go to “insert”, “field”, “document information”, “FileName”.

In Symphony, I do not see this filename options.

It looks like you’ve got us confused with IBM Lotus Symphony.

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