
nevermind. i curled a call to the maps api and got a response locally, but REQUEST_DENIED on the host, so it doesn't appear to be an issue with the extension.

Are you running out of requests? I believe if you go over 2,500 in a day you may get denied by Google until you pay for their service.

that was my first thought, but REQUEST_DENIED was coming up because bash treats ampersands specially and i wasn't escaping &sensor=false when i ran the curl. it's behaving normally now.

back to square one.

well, it just randomly started working again. i didn't modify any code. i'm not even going to try to figure out why.

That says API issue to me, if there is nothing changed in the site at all, then first port of call would be google

Ah, there was another page of posts. Missed that.

Hi All,

I just started learning Symphony and I'm going through the Symphony tutorial, "Building a store locator using the Map Location Field". I'm currently stuck where the "/store-locator/?debug" shows:

    <section id="1" handle="stores">Stores</section>
    <error>No records found.</error>

There are five records in the database, so there should be some records shown there. There's no error shown, so I'm not sure why it's not showing any result.

I'm using symphony version 2.3.2 and the map location field version 3.3.0. Is the current map location field extension not compatible with symphony 2.3.2? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you guys.

Just found out the problem to my post above.

In case anyone follows the Symphony tutorial, "Building a store locator using the Map Location Field", the "store-locator/entry" data in store-locator.xsl doesn't match with the XML result. "store-locator" should be "stores-by-location" or whatever the data source name is.

Sorry for the newbie question.

echoing Sanity11, i hit my query limit pretty early on today on a site that hasn't broken 150 hits. does this extension make one hit per entry per datasource or what?

out of the blue I cannot see any map on this website
Probably I made some change, although I doubt it...
The console is telling "ReferenceError: google is not defined". A search on G references a http/https error. Tried to change that on get-google-map.xsl, but at no avail.

Thanks for any suggestion

@Manaus - Are you using the Get Google Map Utility? If so, make sure you are using the last version of it. It was updated a couple of months ago... due to Google switching their geocoding service address. If you are using that utility, replace the code you currently have with the most current one and it should hopefully fix your problem.

@bzerangue Thanks, got it solved, it was the <script> placement within the page, right place: head...

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