
I get the attached error any time I try to fire an event in Symphony 2.0.7. The event is successful (registration occurs), but the error appears, rather than the requested page.

The same events worked in 2.0.2.

The referenced data.navigation.php file is line-for-line the same as the default Symphony 2.0.7 file.

Any ideas?

I get the attached error any time I try to fire an event in Symphony 2.0.7.

Which errors do you get? You’re attachment seems to be missing.

Sorry about that!

I get a Symphony Strict Notice:

Declaration of datasourcenavigation::grab() should be compatible with that of DataSource::grab() An error occurred in /home/austin/public_html/workspace/data-sources/data.navigation.php around line 48

Thanks for the reply!

I remember some changes in the data source class so your error might be a result of the latest Symphony update. Have you tried resaving both event and data source?


Re-saved the event and the data source. No luck there (except that re-saving the event required me to re-do the trigger of the event).

The data source of each event is set as “Comments” (this is the way it has aways been), although neither really uses any data source.

Maybe this is a question for Alistair to answer.

Thanks for trying Nils. I will try to attach the complete error to this message as a PDF.

Symphony Error.pdf

Been working on this and learned a bit more:

It is reporting an E_STRICT notice which has to do with a mismatch between default parameters in child class function with those in parent class function. I believe this has to do with a change made in recent versions of PHP (I upgraded to 5.3.1 just before these errors started showing up).

I am able to disable the notice and everything functions as usual by changing line 8 in /symphony/lib/core/class.errorhandler.php from:

self::$enabled = true;


self::$enabled = false;

I am sure that editing the errorhandler class is not the correct way to disable error reporting in symphony, but Symphony does not appear to respect my display_errors setting, and I cannot change reporting directives for the entire server for a variety of reasons.

Anyone have any ideas on how correctly do so?

Switch to PHP 5.3, it sounds like you are on PHP 5.4

Did you not look at the date of that last post?

Better late than never :-)

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