

I am new to the Symphony community and I am not quite sure how the different components of the site work together. I am switching from Wordpress because I needed a platform that could display a large XML feed in an organized fashion and Wordpress just did’nt cut it.

The following is a sample of some of the information I would like to display:

    <long_name>Mortar Board National Senior Honor Society</long_name>
    <created_at>2009-09-02 18:38:13 -0500</created_at>
    <description>Mortar Board, Inc., a national honor society that recognizes college seniors for their achievement in scholarship, leadership and service. It provides opportunities for continued leadership development, promotes service to the campus and community, and encourages lifelong contributions to the global community.</description>
    <short_name>Motus Sodalis</short_name>
    <long_name>Motus Sodalis</long_name>
    <created_at>2009-09-02 18:38:20 -0500</created_at>
    <description>Motus Sodalis provides an umbrella to promote academic and social integration among graduate students, supporting extra-curriculum activities, stimulating and facilitating interaction among the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, the University and the community as a whole.</description>
    <short_name>Maximiz Abroad</short_name>
    <long_name>MPA: Maximizing Potential Abroad</long_name>
    <created_at>2009-09-02 18:38:27 -0500</created_at>
    <group_type>Service - Outreach</group_type>
    <description>Our Mission is to boost the potential of: . Underprivileged kids in international communities through the expansion and application of education & . University students through the teaching and application of their prospective fields and to provide involvement with international philanthropy</description>

The XML tree above is a sample of 3 organizations out of roughly one thousand that I need to display with alphabetical and “group_type” categories.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to get started?


The Beginner’s guide is a good start. Also, the “Say Hello to the World” tutorial is a hands-on approach to learning Symphony.

Once you’ve read them, feel free to post specific questions that weren’t clear to you here.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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