
So is that the new URL Schema?

They are exactly the same thing except it's renamed.


So if I have a page with a url parameter called player

Then I have this utility:

<ul id="playerList">

<xsl:when test="$player = ''">
<xsl:for-each select="players/entry">
<li><a href="{name/@handle}"><xsl:value-of select="name" /></a></li>


I am getting an unregistered variable. I don't understand why.

The utility is attached to the page where the url parameter is.

Hmm, I'm not sure. If what you've said is what you've done, then you're doing everything right...

Have you checked the ?debug page? Specifically, the Parameters section. Is it there?



hmm, try putting a bunch of parameters in there, i.e.


and see if any of them appear.

Nope, I don't get any.

Here is the link:

hmm, looks like I need access to your system. Can you please create an account for me (make sure to select the developer type) and email us the details?

Okay, this is a bug. If you go to: you'll see that the parameter "player" is there.

On the index however, the parameters aren't being included.

I've put this up on the bug tracker.

Ok, thanks.

The bug tracker says its fixed, I presume I have to wait for an update Symphony?

Indeed. Revision 3 should be out soon.

Ok, well I have to go to work. Look forward to the next installment when I get back. :)

Has this bug been fixed? Because I am having the same issue with another site.

Here is the XML: (It's partial)

 <section id="4" handle="portfolio">Portfolio</section>
 <entry id="16">
  <client handle="greenfinder">Greenfinder</client>
  <thumbnail size="952 bytes" path="/portfolio" type="image/png">
    <meta creation="2008-05-01T10:11:07+00:00" width="25" height="25" />

This is the link I am using:

 <a href="{$root}/work/{../@handle}"><img src="{$root}/image/1/25/0/portfolio/{filename}" alt="Image Associated to {../title}" width="25" height="25"/></a>

It is part of a template that is within this for-each:

 <xsl:for-each select="data/portfolio-ds/entry">

But as you can see from the page, its not showing the @handle. I even tried this:

 <a href="{$root}/work/{@handle}">

and still nothing.

This is an XSLT problem, nothing to do with the bug mentioned. If you are in data/portfolio-ds/entry/ as your for-each indicates, then you would use ./client/@handle right? I notice your img path is {$root}/image/1/25/0/portfolio/{filename}. Does that even work? That implies you are inside the thumbnail element so your xpath for handle would be ../client/@handle, however your for-each would mean you need ./thumbnail/filename

Not sure if that helps.

Yeah the image path works fine, as you can see from the link the little thumbs are appearing in the right sidebar.

It works now, I swear to god it wasn't working before. I'm going mad I must be.

Sorry Alistair, but ../client/@handle works and the for-each was fine as was too.

Glad it's working.

Me too, ;)

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