
What workflows do people use? I’m fairly new to git so looking for advice on how to manage my repo with symphony.

I’d like to use git to track my work on a site, but I’d also like to be able to update symphony by pulling from github. So far so good, I think I can clone symphony and pull to get updates, then I can push everything to my other remote as required.

It would also be good to have the option of pushing anything back to my symphony fork in the future, but that would mean pushing some stuff to one remote (my fork on github) and everything else to another remote (my repo for the current site).

Any advice?

Currently I have two ideas:

Workflow A

Clone from symphony master on github (or my fork of it) but name this branch (locally) “symphony” instead of “master”. Then branch from “symphony” to “development” for testing and getting things running, then again from “development” to “master” to be pushed to the live server.

Then each time I want to pull from symphony (for example when 2.0.7 is released) I can rebase development, test, then rebase master.

Any changes I make in the symphony code need to be merged back to the symphony branch and pushed back to github. I’m not sure how to merged selected changes only, is that feasible?

Workflow B

Clone from symphony but add two additional local submodules, “manifest” and “workspace”. Would probably need to have two branches locally to avoid pushing changes to .gitmodules back to github.

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