
Not sure if this would be the right spot to ask about this issue, but figured I'd give it a shot. Anyhow, at my work, we have the standard dev, staging, and production environments. However, since we're constantly doing bug fixes and adding different features, it's a mess and pain in the ass to keep track of which files need to be on different environments.

My question is, has anyone experienced or know of anything that may make this process easier to manage? We're using svn for the file management, and I was just reading up on branches, which from my limited knowledge, seems to be the way to go. You hit a milestone, create a branch of that milestone and just leave it as is, then continue working in the main dev area. So then that way, you can go back to a certain branch and roll an entire site back to that point.


Tags are a better milestone management option. Essentially, a tag is a bookmark to the repository at a specific revision. Branches are more like separate dev threads that you don't want to interfere with the main trunk of the project.

Suppose you have 20 sites on a single repository codebase, and you develop something awesome for client 4 that you want to get the rest of your clients working on. Because they are all in branches, you can merge your changes for client 4 into each branch seamlessly, without messing up the rest of their code.

I'm a sorta svn manager at my current job. Subversion is pretty much the way to go. Shoot me an email if you want more info. (

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