
So I have a select box that allows the user to select the size of an ad:

Ad Size: 300x100 300x250 Full Banner

And I’d like to filter my DS based on the exactly value of the selection. After reading the Concepts entry for DS Filtering, I assumed all I had to do was enter the value e.g. 300x100 would filter through the results and only return 300x100 ads. Right?

But all that’s returned is:

        <section id="20" handle="ad-upload">Ad Upload</section>
        <error>No records found.</error>


Here’s a thought:

Once you have your selection made, debug reveals that inside my <ad-size> is an <item>

                &lt;item handle=&quot;300x100&quot; id=&quot;57&quot;&gt;300x100&lt;/item&gt;

… Is it possible to add xPath to the filter value?

                <item handle="300x100" id="57">300x100</item>

What version of the SBL field are you using? Version’s after 1.13 should include the ability to filter based on handle.

What version of Symphony?

As for your XPath question, no it’s not currently (nor is it needed as the filtering happens at the Database level, not on the output XML)

If it’s a Select Box you’re using (and not a Select Box Link) then this sounds like a bug. You should be able to pass the value of the select to filter entries.

It is Select Box (not Select Box Link) that I’m using.

Probably is a bug… shanagins.

I’m using 2.0.6

Do you think if I upgrade to .7 the problem might be solved?

Great news!

Thanks to the fixes and improvements to .7, I was able to get my filter working! Woo hoo!

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