
sorry this isn't about symphony... but i'm having a little php trouble here

i want to get and have the abc123 part sent as a GET variable...

after 4 hours of googling, none of these sites make sense at all... according to these sites this should have worked

RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule (.*) index.php?id=$1

I'm no REGEX expert, but I think your input evaluation needs to start with a ^ and end with a $:


RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?id=$1

something along those lines....

Thanks but it still doesnt work for me :)

Try some of these resources.

Hopefully, some of these will be of help.

Here's another resource, with a further list of links at the bottom of the article. Maybe a bit basic, but you never know what might hold the key!

It says it's for "beginners", but it's quite full!

@Pat, I don't have much .htaccess experience either, but I do have regex experience, so I thought it might be worth giving this a try:

RewriteRule ([^/]*)$ index.php?id=$1

If there's any way to output the value of id, that would probably quite helpful too.

sorry scott it doesnt work for me...

i'm starting to think this .htaccess is not working... is it possible that the .htaccess doesnt work??

I did Redirect 301 / which should've redirected everything to google, but nothing happens...

Pat, A quick look at the server error logs will give you the answer. My guess is that mod_rewrite isn't enabled on your server. If you can, edit Apache's httpd.conf file and uncomment these two lines:

#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
#AddModule mod_rewrite.c

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Server Requirements

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