Event Success/Failure XML
This is an open discussion with 4 replies, filed under General.
Problem solved. I think I was getting confused here - viewing the page in Debug reloads the page which is why I wasn’t seeing the event XML. Stupid of me.
Another Events question. Is the parameter pool accessible from the __trigger function in the events PHP code?
Another Events question. Is the parameter pool accessible from the __trigger function in the events PHP code?
Yes, I think it is somewhere in $this->_env
If it’s not, you can try to var_dump($this);
and see if you can find it. :-)
Sounds good. I’ll take a look.
Hmmm. My Data Source’s Output Parameter doesn’t seem to be in $this->_env (or anywhere in $this). Is there a way to access output parameters from an event’s __trigger() function?
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I have added an event to my site that allows me to post comments to articles but I am unable to access the XML that the event returns, e.g. for a failed comment submission:
The event XML appears commented out at the bottom of my page source and it is also present in the page XML if I set my form action to “?debug”. But how do I access it without the debug setting?