
I understand the fundamentals:

Input for the form should be as such:

<label id="contact-event-photo-label" for="event-photo">Event Photo</label>
<input id="contact-event-photo" type="file" name="fields[event-photo]" value="{events/event-message/post-values/event-photo}" />

And in the section I have Event Photo setup as a File Upload… right?

Anyway, the attached file doesn’t send as part of the email (fine) or get entered into the entry (not fine).

Using 2.0.7 RC2.

have you made sure you have enctype="multipart/form-data" on your form element?

… apparently not.

Oooooh to be a simple designer/front-end developer again.

Sorry Allen, but you all have bare with my ignorance a bit.

But should all I have to do is:

<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="" method="post">

Or is there, and I’m sure there is, more to it?

there is a bug in 2.07 front end file uploads are currently broken.

Just as a note to anyone interested in the problem:

The issue as been solved. Follow the thread link above.

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