
Is there an extension that adds ‘forgot password’-functionality to the backend login? Or is this something I can achieve in another way?

Passwords are stored as hashes in the database to keep it secure. This means it’ s fairly difficult to obtain the original value (quickly, at least).

One way to accomplish the forgot-password thing, is to generate a new password for the user, send it by email and then let him changes it again once he logged in. That’ s how the Members extension works so far.

I am aware of that. But does the members extension add a forgot-password link to the backend (in case our client forgets his password), or is it only for frontend-members which is the case on the symphony website?

It just works for frontend members, as they are a completely different beast compared to core authors.

But does the members extension add a forgot-password link to the backend (in case our client forgets his password), or is it only for frontend-members which is the case on the symphony website?

Don’t confuse the two — Symphony itself (/symphony/) has a password reset tool. The Frontend Members extension (which does not give users access to /symphony/ also provides Events for resetting passwords, but you’ll need to plug this together yourself.

Frontend and backend members are independent.

So if this is for your client forgetting their Symphony login, yes there is password reset functionality for this.

Allright, and how can I enable this password-reset functionality? I’ve noticed indeed there is a ‘forgotpass’-table in the database.

Enter your username and an incorrect password and a “Retrieve password?” link will appear.

So if this is for your client forgetting their Symphony login, yes there is password reset functionality for this.

Wasn’t aware of that, great!


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