
I have a section where our admins may upload an image to the server. I’m using Symphony 2.0.7 and the official Members Extension. I need to link the member admin that uploaded the image to the image record. It is my understanding that the ‘Member Link’ field is used for this link.

I have a member link field in the Section to which the information about the image file is saved. However, I’m not sure what is supposed to go in the ‘Member Link’ field for linking purposes. I tried using /data/member-login-info/@id; however, that resulted in the following PHP error:

Fatal error: Class 'Administration' not found in C:xampphtdocspcpc.orgsymphony-2extensionsmembersfieldsfield.memberlink.php  on line 227

So, what I need is to know what sort of member information goes into the ‘Member Link’ field within any given section that uses the ‘Member Link’ field.

On thing I just noticed in the PHP error above is that the delimiters are all missing. So C:xampphtdocspcpc.orgsymphony-2extensionsmembersfieldsfield.memberlink.php should be C:xampp/htdocs/

[EDIT]: The delimiters do appear in the actual error.


By adding the following PHP line to top of /extensions/members/field/field.memberlink.php I was able to get the memberlink field to populate correctly using /data/events/member-login-info/@id for the memberlink value:


N.B.: I’ll post this to the bug reporting page for the extension.

This fixes my update entry issue thanks a bunch!

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