
Hi Peeps,

I am really interested in using Symphony and I have been looking at the installation instructions, but some of the more technical stuff escapes me.

Does anybody know of a good guide as to “how” to get Symphony running locally on a Mac (OSX 10.6)? I have searched quite a bit and found nothing my tiny brain can understand.

I can “get” technical stuff when its explained to me, I just felt the installation instructions skipped a few things where my knowledge is obviously lacking.

Currently I have MAMP running on my mac but I dont mind running PHP without it, if that is easier for the setup.

Thanks in advance for any help :-)

What specifically do you need clarified?

if you have mamp, symphony should be a cinch to get up and running with it as if it were a live server. one caveat that i know of is with the Export Ensemble - this is not enabled by default in MAMP. someone posted here of an “extension” for MAMP to enable this functionality, but when i went to the link, the site was broken.

Sorry it appears i havent been very clear!

Specifically on the instruction page

at the part: “Using a .Zip Package and Command Line”

It talks of using the command line, to do a few things. How do i do this on a mac?

I havent had to use a command line on mac before for anything, although i have a feeling i am just missing something REALLY obvious, and will feel a fool when you tell me :-(

Command Line = on the Mac.

However, .Zip Archiving is not enabled by default in MAMP. There’s a topic that tells you how to on the forum, though.

I used this info to get Zip working with MAMP:

It’s old, though and might be out of date.

FYI: If you don’t have MAMP Pro, you can find the php.ini file under MAMP/conf/php5/php.ini.

I got mine from Graham Hughes’ website but it seems to be down.

Thanks for the responses, ill give it a go :-)

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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