
I have dynamic splash images for each page on my site based on an image field. So, I have dug around and figured out the xslt to display the images. But, for some reason, it’s outputting a bunch of info that I don’t really know where it’s coming from. I am sure it’s something basic but it makes no sense to me.

Here is how I am calling up the template from my “master” utility.

<xsl:apply-templates select="/data/page/title/entry/splash-image" />

And then on each page template this is how I am pulling up each splash image.

<xsl:template match="/data/page/title/entry[@id='13']/splash-image">

    <div id="splash">
        <img src="{$workspace}/{@path}/{filename}" alt="" />


It seems to work fine, but, on some pages (and not others) I will get this weird output.




            <div xmlns="" id="splash"><img src="http://localhost:8888/workspace//images/splash/events-and-classes.jpg" alt="" /></div>


Any suggestions? I get that it is listing file names from other nodes in the xml, but I don’t get why, and I don’t get why it’s only doing the filename when {filename} is the only time I have declared it. Why is it showing up outside of my template?

Also, why did it put xmlns=”” into my div?

On some of the pages you may be forgetting to call the relevant data sources for each page.

I don’t think that is it. To get the splash image to work it is pulling from the “Page” data source. All my pages I am trying this with have that set up properly, my issue seems to be that it’s pulling extra data, not just limiting it to the entry ID I am trying to use.

This should work.

<xsl:apply-templates select="/data/page/title/entry[@id = '13']/splash-image" />

<xsl:template match="/data/page/title/entry/splash-image">

When you see the content being spat out like this it means you are performing an apply-templates select="..." on an element, but you haven’t got any template match="..." matches fo that element.

Try reducing your match just to the node name you’re matching on:

<xsl:template match="splash-image">

And is the file in which the above match is in definitely included in your page?


Could you explain more?


So maybe I am not understanding select and match entirely, what is the difference?

Well… your select should always more precise than your match. Otherwise you’ll end up with selecting a few items that don’t have a matching template, defaulting to <xsl:value-of select="*" />.

Mathematically speaking, your expression has to be a surjective function. :-)

@phoque I am a designer, so, bringing math terms isn’t helping haha :) That being said I am still trying to understand this as much as I can. So, my select should be more specific than my match? What would that look like?



Something more like that? Not sure if I am following this concept practically, or why what I have above is outputting splash elements outside of the [@id=’13’] parameter I set.

Specific selects let you select special parts of the tree while specific matches let you formulate exceptions to your templates.

And to explain your example:



They may “accidentally” have the same attribute expressions but it’s no different than



Except… when you have




In this case, all entries will be matched by the first template and only the one with id=13 will be matched by the second one.

Hmmm, I am going to have to re-read some of this and revisit my code. Thanks for all your help, my brain is on the verge of having the basics ‘click’.

Maybe this will help, so when I use entry[@id=’2’] is that more saying:

look in entry for anything that has an attribute with the integer 2 in it

rather than what I was implying which would be:

only match and <entry> node who’s attribute id equals EXACTLY ‘2’ ?

Or am I misunderstanding how it could confuse entry[@id=’2’] with other nodes?

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