
I've been playing around with S2 for a few weeks now and didn't encounter any serious problems until now...

I tried to include a simple Front-End-Edit for an Email-List (switching "active" to yes or no) and couldn't get it to work... after a while I noticed that the process was similar to the front-end-publishing of articles (where "publish" is switched from "no" to "yes") and wanted to copy the way it is done there - only to see that it didn't work there either.

I did a fresh Reinstall of the current S2-Version to see if I ruined anything by myself, but even there I couldn't get the front-end-editing to work...

all "create"-events like posting comments seem to work fine, but the front-end-publish-article-function only returns this:

<publish-article result="error">
    <message>Entry encountered errors when saving.</message>
    <title type="missing" />
    <body type="missing" />

Anyone has any idea where this might result from...? Any help would be appreciated.

I'm guessing this event is writing to a Section that has Title and Body as required fields, and those fields are not being POSTed.

but as this appears with a clean symphony-install I guess it's supposed that the Title- and the Body-Data is automatically fetched by the included ... I don't have to post all that data again.. do I?

Roman, can you please post up the resultant form markup? It seems like Symphony is trying to create a new entry rather than edit an existing one, thus requiring all required fields to be filled out.

This is the form I try to post:

 <form id="publish-article" action="" method="post">
          <input name="fields[publish]" value="yes" type="hidden" />
          <input name="redirect" value="http://localhost/sym_original/articles/an-example-draft-article/" type="hidden" />
          <input name="id" value="110" type="hidden" />
          <button id="submit" type="submit" name="action[publish-article]" value="Publish"></button>

Isn't there a bug in frontend publishing in rev5? This might cause your problems:

thanks alot michael - front-end-publishing now works... :)

I think I should have an eye on the bug-tracker.

My email-list still won't do what I want, but I'll try to figure that out later.

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