
Sorry to be a nuisance, but how on god's earth do I add images to an entry?

I have an entry say Flowers, and in that entry I want to add multiple thumbnails. I tried to create a section for just uploading images and link to that particular page through the section link, but its not giving me the Create New button.

This does seem to be a little mysterious, can anyone shed any light?

I tried to create a section for just uploading images and link to that particular page through the section link ...

This is what you should do.

... but its not giving me the Create New button.

This is the normal behaviour. To add images you need to go to the section the images should be linked to. There should be a row called images (or what ever name you gave your image section), just click on the link with the image count.

Ah right,

Where's that Symphony for Dummies book. That wasn't very obvious. But now it is.

That wasn't very obvious.

No, it wasn't - I hope it will get easier with RC 1 ...

Why is that imminent? To be honest had forgotten all about it.

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