
Inspired by our discussion on outputting pages as pdf's.... Some would use this to output long webapp-created documents, manly text-focussed, like business proposals for example. I would use it for printing post-addresses on envelopes (from a snail and email newsletter app, swiftmailer anyone? ,-) But what if we consider this for real layout work, such as monthly printed inviations or posters for shows. This type of use would not be fully automated, but rather a 'client providing predrafted document' kind of thing, to be finished off (layout, type,pictures,...) in adobe indesign. Seems perfectly possible The client coudl then upload all needed pictures for print, fill out the (fixed fields) content, and this then could auto populate an ID CS3 template using Symphony-output XML.

Similar to the web to print shops who offer webapps(flash) to design a (quirky) businesscard online. But in a more 'post-edited by a graphic expert' way.

Has anyone tried this, do you like the idea?

Love the idea. Haven't tried it. But would love to know who has and their experience with InDesign CS3 and Symphony-output XML.

I definitely want to get to the point of doing something like this. To me the question is what quality of visual feedback will you be able to provide the user that is inputting the content.

I know some people who work with printing companies. XML based workflows are already used in big publishing houses. I myself have worked a lot with Adobe InDesign.

Yes, probably all you think of is possible.

Symphony 2 can do cool things: One of my websites is even generating JavaScript and CSS files dynamically, based on URL params. So I wouldn't be afraid of outputting XML for InDesign.

Well, details could be hard to solve, like hyphenation problems, for example. But this in not a Symphony related issue; this is print publishing work...

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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