
I’m new to Symphony, and am loving it so far. My apologies in advance if this has been answered before - I wasn’t able to find an ‘aha’ explanation.

I don’t understand datasource chaining, and I was hoping someone could help me wrap my head around it.

I have two sections: one for Instructors, one for Courses. I have a Mediathek field in the Courses section to be able to select/create Instructors. I want to have a drop-down of Instructors, then based on the selection, send users to a page that lists all courses associated with an instructor. I’ve created an Instructors DS, but how do I reference the Instructors Mediathek field in Courses for another DS?

I hope that makes sense. Thanks very much!

Mh, let’s see if I get this right: Your “main” content is the Instructor and a course is associated to one of them, just like a picture in the default ensemble is associated to a certain article? Normally you would create a datasource “courses” and group them by “instructors”.

My main content is in Courses, with Instructors associated to the Courses. So, I’ve created a Courses datasource, but because I’m linking Instructors (with a mediathek field), I can’t figure out how to do a ‘group by.’

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