
Hi, I use the bi-link extension to link multiple pictures to multiple articles. ‘pictures’ is a section with a textfield, a description, a file and a bi-link. The link works, but when I look at the generated XML I only see the contents of the ‘title’-field:

 <item id="210" handle="test">Test</item>

I would also like to get the URL of the picture. The idea is to create thumbnails underneath the article of all the related pictures.

Is there any way to retrieve the filename?

When you add the Bi-Link field in your Data Source does it give you several options in the “Included Elements” select box? From memory you can choose between items, count and entries. Looks like you have items selected, which just pulls through the field that is used in the Bi-Link dropdown. Selecting entries should pull through the linked entry in its entirety.

Hurray! That did the trick!

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