Field: Image Cropper
This is an open discussion with 80 replies, filed under Extensions.
Ahh gotcha! thanks.
I am having trouble to open external images whitout crop image/2/255/145/5/0/1/
. The same address works with the not modified jit.
I haven't tested the jCrop mode with external URLs. Does the external image work with a different mode? Hav you added
to the Trusted Sites JIT setting?
Yes.* was added to the Trusted Sites. I haven't tried using mode 4, but 1, 2 and 3 don't work.
If the url is not allowed i see this message: Error: Connecting to that external site is not permitted.
But if it is in the list of Trusted Sites i get an 404 error.
Unable to view the preview on S2.2.5?
Error loading image /workspace/62/36/128/160/body.jpg. Check it exists and is readable.
Updated: Use klaftertief's JIT to fixed the above issue.
I'm not sure if this feature worth implement in Image Cropper using presets with the ability to crop quickly so we won't have to relied google search for specific size:
1) passport photo with fixed width and height.
2) 3R/4R/5R photo
3) A4/A3
4) Instant Photo
4) Custom
@proyb2 You can add a comma separated list of ratios in the field settings, like 2/3, 4/3
. Though they are not named.
@renan_santos If the other modes don't work either with external images it's probably a general JIT or a server issue. So you should have a look in the JIT forum post and file a bug report at github if applicable.
In most case, presets will be easier.
@klaftertief Do you have an estimation of when will this be compatible with 2.3?
Will have some time to update my extensions at the end of next week.
Field: Image Cropper
updated to version 1.1
on 13th of May 2012
Hey Jonas, has the version of JIT that works with imagecropper been merged into the main JIT extension for 2.3? Not sure what to use on an up coming site.. so wanted to check before delving into using 2.3.
Reason I ask is I'm facing the same issue with external images using Jcrop version of JIT as well.
I'm successfully using Image Cropper with the modified JIT in Symphony 2.3.
Hey Jonas, has the version of JIT that works with imagecropper been merged into the main JIT extension for 2.3?
Nope, but the other way around. One thing changed from the previous version: the mode now is 5, it used to be 4. That's because mode 4 now is the "resize to fit" mode. As clad said, everything should work. Pleas let me know if you have any problems.
Ok thanks, It's related to vimeo thumbnails just being resized without cropping and they give a permission denied error. Permitted url's all check out as we have it working perfectly on a 2.2.5 install on same local dev server.
Also on local install with modified JIT, the crop image doesn't show up in the edit window (being pulled in via a Subsection Manager section.) we'll see what happens with a fresh head tomorrow.
I'm new to Symphony, so bear with me.
I'm getting an error when trying to upload, and crop an image. When I upload the image and hit 'save changes' I get an error due to the cropper. Navigating back to the section entry shows that the image has uploaded and the cropper allows me to crop the image. However hitting save again gives me a new error. Both are database related:
Symphony Fatal Database Error: Unknown column 'cropped' in 'field list' An error occurred while attempting to execute the following query INSERT INTO `sym_entries_data_28` (`entry_id`, `cropped`, `ratio`, `x1`, `x2`, `y1`, `y2`, `width`, `height`) VALUES ('7', 'no', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
Incidentally I had it working (from what I could tell in the backend) previously, but the thumbnail wasn't displaying in the section entry list (url wasn't resolving, seemed to be missing the subdirectory that the Symphony install is in), so I deleted and re-added the fields, that's when the errors started; if that's any help.
This is in 2.3
For the thumbnails do display in the entries table (and to display cropped images in general) you need to use the jCrop branch of my JIT fork.
And for the DB error I can't imagine anything else that something went wrong during re-adding the field. Can you check in the table in the DB that the column cropped
exists? I'd try re-adding the field again. If the problem persists, are there any erros in the logs related to adding the field?
Ah, thanks, I'll check it out.
I removed the section and recreated it (I'm playing with the CMS at the moment, so this wasn't an issue) and it seems to be working fine now. I guess something went wrong when re-creating the field.
Ok, I apologize for the newbie install question, but I've been around and around this with git, with manually downloading and copying folders, and the same thing happens every time. The workflow in git I have tried which I believe is correct is the following. Note that while I'm not sure this is pulling down the correct jCrop branch, I have manually downloaded that branch and not used git and get the same results below.
Running on my local machine with MAMP
git clone git:// MYDIRECTORY cd MYDIRECTORY git submodule update --init
install symphony via web interface
remove and then uninstall JIT within admin interface
edit .gitmodules and .git/config to remove JIT references
rm -r extensions/jit_image_manipulation git submodule add git:// extensions/jit_image_manipulation --recursive git submodule add git:// extensions/imagecropper --recursive
Install JIT and imagecropper in admin interface
create section with file upload, save section, then add image cropper field
What happens:
- The image cropping area is blank with a broken link mark displayed (Safari and Chrome).
- Clicking 'show URL' shows an empty textbox, as if there is no URL.
- Image url from image area is: "WEBROOT/image/1/650/406/MYFILE.jpg"
- Opening the URL above in a new tab shows empty page (Safari) or HTTP Error 500 (Chrome).
- Clicking 'preview' yields a small popup window with no image, and a completely empty page source.
Where am I going wrong?
Edit: Got it figured out. It was caused by 'large' jpegs. I was using background images (3200x2000) and apparently that caused something to go wacky. Well under the php file size limit, so that's not it. This may be worth looking into though as a potential (unproven) bug in the JIT extension.
I was using background images (3200x2000) and apparently that caused something to go wacky. Well under the php file size limit, so that's not it. This may be worth looking into though as a potential (unproven) bug in the JIT extension.
Bear in mind that image manipulation at the kind of pixel resolution you are talking about is actually quite memory intensive. GD Library works with image dimension and not by physical file size. Even if you have a solid green image (small file size) but the dimension of the image is very large, the overhead required for resizing would still be too much for on-the-fly manipulation.
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No, the background color is not supported in the jCrop mode. In your XSLT, make sure to not request the image with parameters outside of the boundaries of the source image.