
Sorry, but I can not understand how to make a unique URL-address for the Articles. How to make an address from the automatic clear title, and how to stuff his hands is not clear. Help please.

hey walek, if you’re creating a blog-like url address, the article titles will not be unique by default. i believe there is an extension that creates unique urls (though I have not used it, but probably should). when i want to make a unique url, i tend to use a combination of the title and article id:{article-entry}/{article-id}

this way you will know it will always refer to the correct article b/c you have the article id in there.

when you create a page, there is the url parameters field - in here you can name the url parameter anything you’d like. for my example above, i tend to do something like this:


then you have access to $entry and $id in the backend. from there, you can then create a datasource to filter your articles via the article title ($entry) and the System ID ($id). so then the url would look something more like this:{$entry}/{$id}

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