
For whatever reason, my extensions don’t seem to work until I’ve created an entry.

e.g. I have the the Max Characters counter installed (most current, as are all my other extension) and the counter doesn’t display until after I’ve typed the entry and created or saved it.

Same issue happens for extensions such as Mediathek, Calendar Overlay, & WMD Editor.

Another issue that I’m seeing is after creating an entry in a Textarea, the result renders with this odd:

<description mode="formatted">
<p>bla bla bla</p>
<p>bla bla bla</p>

As opposed to just rendering the two

tags. Connected issues?

Using 2.0.7RC. I pretty much copied and pasted all my files from a previous project that had none of these issues and now I’m having all these issues.

Solved my second issue with the extra rendering of the bit.

Still having the same problem with my extensions not rendering until after the entry is saved.

Aaaaaand I just solved my first issue.

I forgot that I need to re-save my sections when I added the new extensions. Dee dee deeee

There was a JavaScript issue with 2.0.7 that showed your behaviour: broken JS before saving, working after saving.

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