
Hey gang, first post here.

Im working on the members extension. Members 1.2.1beta by Symphony Team. I noticed there are a couple of people working on member extensions, should I be using a different one?

So I’ve got a public registration form, and I’ve created email templates. Wehn I try to create a new member in admin, or fill out the public form, either way I get this error:

An error occurred while attempting to run query: SELECT * FROM `z_members_email_templates` WHERE `id` =  LIMIT 1
    /home/moorcop2/public_html/zonk/extensions/asdc/lib/class.asdc.php line 307

    302         $query = $this->__prepareQuery($query);
    304         $this->_last_query = $query;
    306         $result = mysql_query($query, $this->_connection); 
    307         if($result === false) throw new Exception('An error occurred while attempting to run query: ' . $query);
    309         return new $returnType($this, $result);
    310     } 

I’m not so clear on what I’m looking at here. At first I didn’t have email templates and thought I needed to create some before it would work. Still doesn’t.

I’m getting this error in both forms, but also in both cases, the member gets registered, but no activation email is sent to the provided email address.

Sorry if this is in the wrong area or a repost, I looked through the forums for about 2 days and didn’t find anything specific.

I’m working through issues related to getting a stable Forum ensemble released using the Members 1.2.1beta extension. I think I’ve run into the same issue today. I resolved it by creating the email template and assigning the template to the Role being used to save the form.

I think I’ve tried that and still no luck. I am assuming the role I want in a member registration form would be guest right? I feel this is in the right direction though. I set action=”?debug” and the xml has an item like this: filter=”permissions” status=”failed”

I was getting the same on my save-message contact form in the about page, but somehow fixed it. I think that one was fixed by adding enctype=”multipart/form-data” or something. This didn’t work for the member register form though.

Thanks, you’ve given some new insight and a new area to poke around in, I will post if I fix my issues.

OK well I got the error to go away. I added inactive and guest to about every email template. Before I just had it on the Welcome email template. I guess the register form uses a different one of those email templates? Perhaps the new-password?

Anyways, no error, but no email either. The email address I signed up with didn’t receive an activation email or welcome email.

So you have set up the settings for the SMTP Email Library to send mail? I haven’t actually had any success sending mail with this extension.

So instead, I’m using a patch.

I have the feeling my smtp settings aren’t right. My username is what I’m a little confused on. If my email address is, what is the username symphony wants? my cpanel shows the username as:

I’ve tried:,, noreply

Is there a different username it wants? I also tried my username I use to log into cpanel, which I will not post here, but is worth mentioning.

Thanks in advance for whoever knows the answer to this

That patch seems to have worked, moving on to the building of the activation and reset password forms.

Thanks a lot Bauhouse!

I look forward to be more active in the community as my projects get more and more complicated(and awesome).

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